Online Quran vs Offline Quran Education

It’s the dream of every Muslim to learn the Quran, the Quran leads us through life and brings us closer to Allah Almighty. When it comes to memorizing the Quran, people now have a variety of possibilities. 

One choice is to enroll in a course at a local educational facility, institution, masjid, or madrasah, and the other one that is best from my side is to learn the Quran online. How do online Quran classes compare to traditional Quran classes? To discover it, scroll down.

Offline vs Online Quran Classes 

Easy Quran Learning from Home

In online Quran classes, you can learn the Quran relaxing in your home. You just need a computer, laptop, or smartphone with a strong internet connection. You can take classes in your room, office, or any other place. You will have peace of mind because you don’t have to travel to reach and learn the Quran. 

On the other hand, if you learn the Quran in any academy, institute, masjid, or madrasah. You will have to reach there. No matter if it’s far away from your house. 


In online Quran classes, there is no specific time to learn the Quran. You can choose the time that best suits you. Whether you can take in morning, afternoon and evening. Because of the hectic routine of everyone I will recommend you learn the Quran online.

On the other hand, if you learn traditionally. There will be a specific time to learn the Quran. You cannot change the time of the classes because the Qari will not teach you again. 


The best benefit of online Quran classes is that if you miss the class due to any reason. You can arrange a makeup class with the help of your online Quran tutor. Or the tutor will provide you with the recorded lecture that you missed. 

But this benefit is not in physical Quran classes, if you miss the class the teacher will not teach you again or take a makeup class. You will have to arrange the lectures on your own. No one is going to help you. 

One On One Classes

In the Quran classes online you will take the classes one on one with the teacher. Many students are shy to learn the Quran in a class with other students. So it’s the best opportunity to learn with the individual attention of the teacher. 

In Masjid or Madrasa, you will have to learn the Quran in a class with a group of people. In this way sometimes the teacher does not give proper attention to the students. And shy students stay at the back without any learning and question.


In the Masjid or Madrasah, there are many pedophilia cases( very rare). The parents who send their kids to take physical classes are very much worried about them. They beat the kids (not all) and the kids get scared and leave Quran learning in the middle. 

In online Quran classes, the teacher and students can only look at each other on the screens. There is no physical interaction between them. So the parents are not worried because they are learning in front of their eyes.

Professional Quran Tutors

In online academies, there are professional Quran tutors available. They are certified and qualified and they know how to teach the kids as well as the adults. Because they are very much experienced.

On the other hand, in traditional learning, there are very rare certified Qaris. So, many of them are not professional but they can teach the Holy Quran. So, I will recommend professional teachers and they are available online. 

Multilingual Quran Tutors

The tutors provided by an online Quran academy can teach the Quran in numerous other languages. For Instance, the majority of the tutors can Speak Hindi, Urdu, English, or various other languages. This is a great plus point as students from all over the world and from different ethnicities can learn the Quran with just one click now. 

Proper Fee Packages

The majority of the online Quran academies provide a proper fee structure that enables all students to learn the Quran according to their affordability. These academies usually provide three different packages. The Starter package, the advanced package, and lastly, the family package. Each fee package has its own perks and benefits and the price is according to the students’ affordability. 

A Complete Teacher’s Evaluation

Out of 10 online Quran academies, at least 8 make sure that they keep a check on their tutors. This is done by a Monthly Evaluation of their online Quran tutors. In case a teacher is unable to pass the monthly Evaluation test, he/she will be first given a warning. If the teaching method is not improved, the teacher will be replaced with a better resource. Besides, all students, as well as their parents, can anytime contact the academy administration and let them know if they are not satisfied with the tutor. The online Quran teacher will be immediately replaced with a better option. 

Secure Payment

Perhaps the best thing about the online Quran academies is that they make sure that the payment is done in a secure way. All online Quran academies have a number of payment systems. This makes it easy for the students to pay according to the way they want to pay. For instance, Bismillah Schooling, a professional and well-known online Quran academy, provides a number of payment options. These include, 

  • Paying through PayPal
  • Debit Cards
  • Bank transfer
  • Master Card

Besides, the accounts department of academies including Bismillah Schooling is pretty much online at all times. This makes sure that in case a problem arises (which is very unlikely), they will be there to handle it right there and then.

Bottom Line 

In the above article, I have tried to tell you the difference between online Quran classes vs offline. And I am sure that this will clear all your concerns. And you will get the difference between traditional and online learning. 

As technology is indulging in our life and making our life easier. So all the people will make their life easy rather than spending hard life. So, you must learn the Quran online and make your life easy. 

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